CPE - Center for Planning Excellence
CPE stands for Center for Planning Excellence
Here you will find, what does CPE stand for in Non-Profit Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Center for Planning Excellence? Center for Planning Excellence can be abbreviated as CPE What does CPE stand for? CPE stands for Center for Planning Excellence. What does Center for Planning Excellence mean?Center for Planning Excellence is an expansion of CPE
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Alternative definitions of CPE
- Commissione della politica estera
- Creoles and Pidgins, English-based (Other)
- Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema
- Client Premises Equipment
- Customer Provided Equipment
- Customer Premises Equipment
- Canine Performance Events
- Certified Peer Educators
View 134 other definitions of CPE on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- CEN Central European News
- CCCC Church of Christ Care Center
- CCM Corporate Claims Management
- CIC Communication Infrastructure Corp.
- CSC Cambridge Seminars College
- CPDPL Chemist Pos Direct Pty Ltd
- CCL Complete Childcare Ltd
- COEDC Central Okanagan Economic Development Commission
- CDI Creative Design Interiors
- CPC Central Presbyterian Church
- CCC Cedar Creek Church